So, I'm 21. I can't tell you how it feels, because truth be told I'm still fighting the rising wave of terror I've felt come and go since June 1st - today has felt like a time bomb all through the month, with me looking forward to and yet dreading it with every fibre of my being. I have my reason for this fear, but I'm not sure I want to share it up here. Right now I'm just trying to remind myself over and over again that it's already my birthday, the midnight hour has passed and I'm already 21 and nothing is going to change that except for my turning 22 next year. It's a lot harder to accept than I thought - this stray tendril of thought keeps repeating itself in my head like a mantra: I was not supposed to reach this point. I am not supposed to be here. I'm not going to elaborate on that here - I have enough of dealing with it in my head than to try wrestling with it on a laptop screen. Everyone's been asking me what I want for my...