
Showing posts from November, 2012


Realised that when I'm upset, I go check out weird links. Anyway meet Nyanko! Nyanko says nyaaaaaan~ And meet Nyra (pronounced Nee-Ra). I think she's beautiful. It's a pity about the watermark though. The funny thing is that because I designed them (using the given template, duh - my art skills are terrible), they feel like me . It's funny, but when I look at them, I feel like I'm looking at variations of myself. Nyra reminds me of me a lot.

Here's A Toast To All Us Bastards

Hey guys. Just to let you know, I've changed my Twitter name. I used to be NatNutella26, but now I'm CyanideNiko26. My Instagram name stays the same though (NatNutella26). On a somewhat-but-not-quite unrelated note, keeping things bottled up sure hurts. It's a pain I'm more than used to, though. And I can be proud of myself -  I've finally learned how to stop crying in five seconds or less. Pass me the cyanide, please. If there's none, bleach will do fine - I'm not picky. Bottoms up, ladies and gents.

Change of Name

Should I change my Twitter name? I've had it for about a year now, ever since I created my account. I love it, but don't you think it's slightly boring? I kinda like my current name though. I just feel like a change. But NatNutella26 seems to suit me so well. It's like it's so easy to say, too. "Hey, I'm Natalie, follow me on Twitter okay? I'm NatNutella26!" It's like a freaking catchphrase. Dear sweet kami =.=" But SHOULD I change it? Dear kami, I can't even decide on such a simple thing like changing my Twitter name. People say girls should change like delicate butterflies, or bloom like the sweetest-smelling flowers around; I scoff and say I'd much rather be a vampire. ZeroYuuki. Mmmm. I remember I used to ship them so hard before I got bored with the Vampire Knight series. But I have to say, if I had to choose for anyone had to turn me... I'd choose Zero hehe. ;)

Rainy Days

I realise that I haven't been posting much, and even if I have, it's mostly pictures cos I'm too damned lazy to be arsed to really type anything. To any readers out there, sorry. The problem is that I don't know what to post about at the moment. There are thousands of thoughts that go through my mind on a daily basis, but none major enough to actually do a blogpost about. Nothing interesting has happened in my drab, boring life, except for my very recent addiction to rainy day songs. So I guess I'll blog about that. What's a rainy day song, you may ask? Well, it's a song you listen to when it rains (duh!). What sets this song apart from all the other songs there are that exist in this world would be the fact that these are absolutely perfect  for rainy days and rainy days only. Even when you listen to them on hot sunny days, they still invoke feelings of taking a long bus ride and staring out of the window while it pours. Am I making sense, even...? ...


I'm so much quieter now. In a class without Jo or Juls or Tish, I feel so awkward. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Dayna, Hui Min (the two of them used to hang out with us during our BP sem, after all), Nadia and Pei Yu. But it's just not the same as hanging out with Jo and Juls and Tish. I don't talk about the same things. And I do a lot more talking in my mind now. It's getting a bit cluttered up. One thought has been nagging me ever since I watched The Perks of Being A Wallflower with Jo, Tish, Dayna and Hui Min during the first week of school. I'd pushed it away, but it resurfaced when Dayna mentioned it a few days back. And having no one to talk to, I decided to post it up here. What makes you infinite? It could be a song, a moment, a memory, anything. For example, this is the Tunnel Song (David Bowie - Heroes) that was used in the classic "I feel infinite" tunnel scene. So what's my Tunnel Song? What m...

Byzantium Tests

I happened to see this on Twitter, so I got curious and went to try it out. It's this online personality test thing at and well, it mindfucked me like nobody's business when I tried it out. There are 5 tests in all, and require your webcam and audio (so use headphones!). Also don't get freaked out by the music and layout of the website, I promise nothing's gonna jump out at you. I did the first test (the most important one, in my opinion!) and got these results: You are a principled independent, with a dark side. Your responses indicate a desire to escape from your troubles, and a fear that this action will destroy what you’ve already achieved. These conflicting emotions sometimes cause you to be abnormally irritable and impatient when your needs are not met. Your concentration is also impacted, often leaving you feeling groggy or agitated. The ensuing anxiety usually leaves you feeling vulnerable. As a result, you become ...

MEP, I'm Your Bitch.

MEP skills test on Monday and I don't even know what my notes are saying anymore. Been trying to transcribe my notes but let's face it, I'm screwed for MEP. I don't like the "bitch please" picture cos I feel it's really ugly, but it seems to describe my current situation.

Studio Ghibli

Tired and happened to come across a Joe Hisaishi video of the orchestral playing for Mononoke Hime. Literally sat in front of my laptop and cried because I'd missed the show so much. Also because during Japanese lecture today, we learned that Yakushima was one of the inspirations for the film. I've been watching Studio Ghibli works ever since I was a kid, they're the best ever. These are some of my favourites (in ranking order): Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) The first ever Studio Ghibli film I'd ever watched, when I was about 6 years old. I remember watching this with my mum. I remember thinking that San was so wild and strong and beautiful, and I wanted to be just like her. Still do, actually. The Cat Returns Nausicaa of The Valley of Wind Tales From Earthsea Whisper of The Heart Spirited Away Grave of The Fireflies Howl's Moving Castle Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro) ...

AFA 2012

I went to the AFA 2012 (Anime Festival Asia) yesterday and today, and well, I was disappointed. Mostly because I didn't see anything from Deathnote, or Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, or Prince of Tennis. I was especially disappointed by the lack of anything PoT-related, because the Shin Tennisu no Oujisama series were just released this year. And I'd been hoping to buy some PoT merch. What I saw was a lot of Kuroko no Basuke. And Vocaloid's Hatsune Miku. Which pissed me off. Speaking from a biased point of view, I'd sooner choose tennis over basketball. Any day. Speaking from a not-so-biased point of view, I'd have expected   THE biggest anime convention in Singapore to at least have some PoT merch, even if it wasn't very big on the scene. I mean, the series was released in 2008, which means it isn't too new. And it's not as big as Naruto. I get that. I'd just have hoped that the AFA would have had some  PoT merch that I could spl...


And well, we can't have Kakashi stealing all the limelight, now can we? So here's Deidara, un!


Tish and I both love Kakashi from the Naruto series, but since she claims that he belongs to her I back off, and claim Deidara for myself (cos I'd rather have a psychotic blonde guy who loves to blow everything up and call it art, un!). But you cannot deny that Kakashi is HOT. I don't care what others (like Tish) say, I ship KakaSaku pretty strongly. This would be so perfect for Halloween omg.