Sometimes it just really doesn't hit me how depressing it gets using these "social" dating apps - I started out because I was curious, and I've made some friends using these apps. Of course, the majority of people here are looking for something else. I know full well that these people who talk to me aren't doing so because they think I'm smart or funny or fun to talk to - there's only so much even a well-written profile can tell about you, after all. These people talk to me only because they think I'm "hot", whatever that's supposed to mean. Is it supposed to mean that I'm fuckable? Because that's the message that these guys are sending. Sure, it's fun to watch them make fools of themselves, but it's also incredibly sad to see how many lies they're willing to throw at you just to see if they can make it into your pants. It's lonely, and it's another bad habit I seem to have gotten myself into. ...